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Previous year value
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Year built | 1968 |
Description | Medical Office |
Bedrooms | |
Baths | |
Carports | |
Garages | |
Land size | 19470 Sq Ft |
First floor area | |
Second floor area | |
Basement finish area | |
Strata area | |
Building storeys | 4 |
15,260 | |
No.of apartment units |
Legal description and parcel ID
PID: 000-732-907
Sales history (last 3 full calendar years)
Manufactured home
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Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02130-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-01365-001
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02145-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02144-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02143-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02135-001
Sample sold properties are provided for information and as examples only. In assessing a particular property, BC Assessment takes into consideration many factors, and sample sold properties are not necessarily the same that BC Assessment would use as "comparables", for example in an appeal. Sale prices on sample sold properties may need to be time adjusted to reflect changing market conditions between the sales date and the BC Assessment valuation date of July 1. For more information, visit our FAQs.
Please note that sales that have occurred within the last 60 days may not have been verified by BC Assessment.
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-32879-192
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-35871-245
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-34951-014
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-03493-049
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-35205-078
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-00594-257
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-03565-041
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-00534-130
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-04543-918
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02130-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-01365-001
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02145-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02144-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02143-000
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-02135-001
Sample sold properties are provided for information and as examples only. In assessing a particular property, BC Assessment takes into consideration many factors, and sample sold properties are not necessarily the same that BC Assessment would use as "comparables", for example in an appeal. Sale prices on sample sold properties may need to be time adjusted to reflect changing market conditions between the sales date and the BC Assessment valuation date of July 1. For more information, visit our FAQs.
Please note that sales that have occurred within the last 60 days may not have been verified by BC Assessment.
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-32879-192
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-35871-245
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-34951-014
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-03493-049
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-35205-078
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-00594-257
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-03565-041
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-00534-130
Area-Jurisdiction-Roll: 10-305-04543-918